Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011

christmas holidays


I've been so busy lately ( naah not really ) because of Christmas & stuff. 
-.-'' I hate this time of the year. I definetely spent too much money for gifts.
Just like every year, even though I didn't bought that much presents for that much people. Where did my money went? :/ weird

I hope you all got many presents ♥
Even though I hate Christmas I LOVE PRESENTS ♥
But this year onlyy monneyy :D 

Yesterday I went shopping in Hannover :D with the girls♥
Like always I spent lots of money and didn't get that much stuff at all .____.
How dissapointing?! la la la 

Somehow I can't sleep these days? I don't know why and then suddenly I feel hot, just like I have a fever, but I don't.
Isn't that strange?


... well I wanted to release this post before 2012 begins but ... :D
I'm really lazy right now :D
please forgive me


Montag, 12. Dezember 2011


My mother and I have a weird relation to each other. It's hard to describe, but you can say it's distraught. Our relationship is not how it should be. We don't appreciate and we don't love each other, or at least that's what I think of her. My heart gets cold, but also warm when I think of her. I've always wondered why did it have to end up like this. Is it my fault? Am I too stubborn? I have to admit that I could have avoided some arguments and fights we had, if I just hold it back. But sometimes she's been unreasonably for treating me the way she does. This one is dedicated to my dear beloved mother, who I can't stand, who I can't live with, whose appreciation I'm seeking ...

Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2011

St Nicholas' Day

Today is such a niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice daaaaaaaaaay :D
I'm so haaaaaaaaaaaaapppyyyyy hihihihi

When I woke up there was a package next to me ( daddy thought I didn't see him come in, putting the gift next to me XD hehe ... sooo kuteee ♥ con yeu bo :* ♥)
My mom bought some gifts for me and my sisters yesterday and I already saw them, but I still think it's cute, since I can't remember that we got gifts for St Nicholas' Day ... :D
What I've got is a playboy perfume with a shirt (my sister got the same one)

I was so scared of my upcoming exam ( english - 6 hours!!!)
But it was like ... uhm really easy?? ._______. 
We only had 4 tasks and a really easy text ... :D 
After 4 hours of chilling I was finished. But I wasn't allowed to leave the room because otherwise the others couldn't go to the toilet anymore. I already knew that I would finish early so I brought my crochet stuff & continued to crochet the scarf for daddy :D. Am I weird for doing that in class?

Just know I daddy brought a letter to me. It was a dismissal letter of my job at Subway :D wooohoooo. I wanted to quit this job because I don't get much money -.-'' 
And now I need more time to study for my a-level. 

I'm so relieved now. Happy wooohooohoooohoooo :D 

mommy said it wouldn't fit me- TADAAA

much love, xxoo
Audrey ♥

Montag, 5. Dezember 2011

Copy Paste Love Gewinnspiel

Da ich diesen Blog (Drück mich) vergöttere freue mich umso um dieses Gewinnspiel ♥
Tolle Geschenköööö :D 

drückt mir die Daumen, dass ich gewinne :)


Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011


aaaaah I've been so busy lately -.-''
Vorabi sucks. sooo many exams :/ How am I supposed to survive this week?
Two exams on advanced level . damn it.
Didn't had the time to blog and waste your time because of that shit -.-'
Today is sunday and I didn't learn anything for my exams ... what was I doing instead? Crocheting a scarf ( maybe I'll do a tutorial on that if you want to)

I need money. I need time. I need a brain. I need sleep.

Another thing that distracts me from learning is FLOWER BOY RAMYUN SHOP ♥
Yesterday I was in the mood to watch a new drama since I haven't watched one for a few months though. So I found this korean drama and watched it all night long instead of sleeping...
Just finished episode 10 and there are no more new episodes uploaded ToT
What am I supposed to do noooooooooooooooooooooowww???
How am I going to spend my time noooooooooooooooooow???
Eottokeeeee? The world is just to cruel to me :(
I want to know how this will end :/ 
Now that I have to wait for the next episode I could learn a little bit ...
naaaaaaaaaaah :D not really XD

For those who wanna watch it :D

looks cute right?

xxoo ♥

PS.: suggestion on how to spend my (precious) time are welcome ~